Dandruff (Rusi) and Home Remedies


If you have problem of dandruff, I am here to help you. There are so many branded products in market for dandruff treatment. They are not so much effective domestic remedies. So let’s start.

Curd and Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Use of curd is very beneficial in the problem of dandruff. It removes the problem of dandruff as well as strengthens the hair. Mix one spoonful of   Baking soda in a cup
of yogurt. Mix it well. Apply the mixture on scalp directly. Wash it thoroughly after 10 to 15 minutes. Do this for at least 3 days in a week. You can do it every day. After few days you will get good result.

Neem and Basil Leaves(Tulsi)


Basil(Tulsi Leaves)

Our second remedies is neem and basil (tulsi). Put some neem and basil leaves in water and boil it well. If the amount of water is 2 litres, it is better. When water is reduced in half, strain it and keep it to cool. Wash your hair with this water. Doing this for a few days will definitely benefit.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is very effective in dandruff problem. It has anti-bacterial and anti-virus properties. It can be used many ways. Add a few drops of it to the water Wash your head. You can also use it by mixing in shampoos. After using seven To eight times, you will not have dandruff problem.

Lemon juice and Mustard Oil

 This remedy is also very helpful in dandruff problem. Mix lemon juice in mustard oil. If you have not mustard oil, you can take coconut oil in stead of Mustard oil. Apply this mixture on scalp gently. Leave it like this for 10 minutes. After this wash the hair thoroughly. You have to do it two times in a week. This remedy will give you good result.    
Use any of above remedies. This will definitely benefit.


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